If the next move for rates is down should investors bother with banks?

Over the past year, financials globally have had a pretty good run as profit margins for lending have grown. We’ve seen this trend in the big banks in the US, but also in Europe where dividends and buybacks are trending higher and higher.  

But what if the next move for policy rates is down? Should investors stick with banks?  

Antipodes Portfolio Manager, James Rodda and Alison Savas discuss the set-up for financials in the US, Europe and also Australia, and compare the investment cases for three of the major banks in these markets. 

Key times:

  • What would rate cuts mean for banks: 3:00
  • The outlook for Australian banks: 10:30
  • NatWest Group: 11:20 
  • Wells Fargo & Co: 17:17
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA): 20:30
  • Comparing Natwest, Wells Fargo & CBA: 25:20

All stock commentary is illustrative only and not recommendations to buy, hold, or sell any security. 



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26 July 2024